Posted: Tue, March 31st, 2020
It’s difficult to find words to describe what’s going on in the world at the moment.What is of paramount importance is protecting the lives of the most vulnerable, and the response nationally and globally has been both surprising and encouraging.
But as James Meek wrote in the London Review of Books:” we might find ourselves wondering why, if the world is capable of mustering so much financial and material firepower to fight Covid-19,…., it can’t muster it for other purposes.”
In terms of the cycle industry, the Bicycle Association and others made strong representations that outdoor cycling while maintaining sufficient distance from others can make a positive contribution to maintaining health and fitness in the fight against the virus. The Government listened and exempted bike shops from having to close when the general lockdown was imposed.
Consequently we are open, and are going to remain open as long as possible, for repairs, sales of bikes and electric bikes and parts and accessories, and will maintain our usual opening hours of
10am to 5pm. Monday to Saturday
We are being extra vigilant with regard to hygiene, and in general will only have one member of staff in the shop at any one time.

We welcome customers old and new, who are making purchases for Active Travel bicycle journeys or for exercise purposes
BUT : we want to preserve social distancing inside our premises.
SO, BEFORE entering, please look inside and if there is another customer already in the shop, please wait outside until they have left.